Due to the current situation with COVID-19, we have made the very difficult decision to close our office until things settle down. Due to the vulnerable nature of many of our customers, we feel it’s our responsibility to watch out for these people and avoid the risk of anyone getting sick as a result of paying a visit to our office.

Luke and Nic are still in good health and we are going to continue trading online and over the phone so you will not have to go without our CBD during this difficult time.

We have taken all our stock and envelopes home with us and will continue to post orders for as long as Royal Mail continue to operate. Our shelves have been a little light recently but fresh stock has arrived and more fresh stock will be going to Luke’s home address as and when tops up are needed.

You can put orders in through the website at www.lakelandcbd.co.uk so we should be able to get CBD out to all of you. If you have loved ones that usually visit our office and don’t have internet access, please let them know that they can phone Luke directly on 07824619549 and place an order over the phone with him. The office number will not be in use while we’re operating from home.

Luke will also be offering home deliveries for anyone in West Cumbria at no extra charge, though we would recommend keeping these to a minimum in the interest of social distancing. But don’t feel like you must go without, we will endeavour to meet whatever needs you have as our customers and their health come first. Thank you for your continued support.

Team Lakeland